Ravi Kamepalli, MD
As a physician trained in infectious disease, wound care, and obesity medicine, I am trying to change wound care with keto-based nutrition. I am fascinated and compelled to figure out why disease happens for some and not for others. I have come to believe that it is nutrition at the N=1 that matters the most and not Mass Medicine Mindset (M3). With LCHF I changed myself and now help my patients. I am working on the root causes of disease, helping one patient at a time, hoping to have a real impact on removing barriers to healing across the world. One of my patient's perspective videos can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5QmASiFe84&t=173s
- Doctor of Medicine
- Infectious disease
- Internal medicine
- Obesity medicine/Bariatrics
- Woundcare Specialist Physician
- Diet Doctor/PIM Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction CME
Contact information
Regional Infectious Diseases and Infusion Center, Inc
505 Jenkins St. Lagrange, Georgia 30240-4225
- Phone number: 706-739-7789
- Website: www.nobadbugs.com