Patrick Druyts

Patrick Druyts


"My name is Patrick Druyts and I am a Nutrition Network trained keto coach based in Leuven in Belgium. After my father passed away from Alzheimer's Disease, I was also confronted with close relatives suffering consequences of metabolic syndrome. I started looking into a healthier lifestyle in terms of nutrition and soon discovered the ketogenic lifestyle. I followed several nutrition related trainings, and more recently I also became a Noakes Foundation ambassador for the Nutrition Network. I mainly focus on coaching and since I am not a medical doctor, I work in close collaboration with Dr Veerle Evrard for all medical-related issues. I focuses on providing my clients with the right information about ‘how and why’ of LCHF. I believe more than ever before, the statement of Hippocrates “let food be thy medicine” is applicable. The biggest change we can make for the future, is by education and information of the younger ones of our society."


  • No University Degree; Practical Experience


  • Nutrition
  • Health Coaching
  • Non-Prescribing Healthcare Provider


  • Diet Doctor/PIM Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction CME

Contact information

Jean Baptiste Van Monsstraat 32, 3000 Leuven, Belgium