Brian Schwender, MD
I am a practicing Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist who manages patients with both autoimmune diseases of the intestines as well as metabolic disorders that lead to non-alcohol related fatty liver. Often times, diet and lifestyle play an integral role in the management of these medical conditions. Low carbohydrate/ketogenic diets have helped my patients achieve their goals of reducing weight and ultimately reducing their risks for inflammation associated with metabolic disorders. Diet Doctor offers a number of resources online that have helps my patients achieve their goals.
- Doctor of Medicine
- Internal medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Hepatology
- Diet Doctor/PIM Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction CME
Contact information
Tucker Medical
8 Sinaran Drive, Suite 04-03 Novena Specialist Center, Singapore, Singapore, 307470
- Phone number: 66596918
- E-mail address:
- Website: